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Saturday, April 20, 2013

::Long Time No See::

Hey y'all!

I know it's been forever! I have been CRAZY busy with my new job and commuting 1.5-2 hours everyday.

I wish I could share all of my exciting designs with everyone BUT I can't. I know it sucks. In about 6-8 months, they will start hitting stores and then I'll share! 

If you're wondering what is going on in the SPECTACULAR world of yours truly.... I have to disappoint you, but nothing other than work.

In other news, Mattie comes home in 2 weeks!!!!! We haven't seen each other in 4 weeks {longest we have had to go since we got married}. I can't wait to see his stinky face!

I hope you all are doing well and that your lives have been more productive than mine! 

I'll leave you with this adorable pic of my silly bugs!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

::Big Girl Job::

Hey y'all!

It's been a crazy two weeks  but April 8th is finally here! Tomorrow I will start my "Big Girl Job" designing handbags!!!

I am so excited {& a bit nervous}!
The always lovely people at ALI made my last day amazing!
SURPRISE potluck lunch!
Melissss {lunch-buddy, tea-buddy, buddy-buddy, surprise potluck thrower} & myself!
Steph {Desk-mate, fellow fashion obsess-er, front desk Italian} & myself
Melissss wearing the lovely headband Steph bought me!

Did I mention I got NEW INK?!?!
Still healing but I am in LOVE with it!
Hilarious pic Steph took of me getting my wrist done

Since I start tomorrow, here are some of my TIPS for your first day!
-Pick out a fab outfit {It is a fashion job, I have to be on point!}
-Refresh your skills {Adobe Illustrator BABY}
-Don't fret {A tip I have taken from Kelsie}
-Get a good night sleep
-Drink a BIG coffee {don't want to be yawning on my first day!}
Last but NOT least
-Have a KILLER playlist for the hour long drive {you know, if your drive will be like mine!}
Just know that if you do get nervous... You can always call your Mama on your way!
{Love you Holmes}

Of course, today I am enjoying my relaxing weekend with my silly, silly puppies before my dream job starts!

Penny Pies watching TV
They are rubbing it in my face that I can't lay out :(
Much needed break from tanning by
 laying on the cool concrete!
I hope y'all have had a wonderful weekend! Time to get ready for Monday!!!