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Saturday, April 20, 2013

::Long Time No See::

Hey y'all!

I know it's been forever! I have been CRAZY busy with my new job and commuting 1.5-2 hours everyday.

I wish I could share all of my exciting designs with everyone BUT I can't. I know it sucks. In about 6-8 months, they will start hitting stores and then I'll share! 

If you're wondering what is going on in the SPECTACULAR world of yours truly.... I have to disappoint you, but nothing other than work.

In other news, Mattie comes home in 2 weeks!!!!! We haven't seen each other in 4 weeks {longest we have had to go since we got married}. I can't wait to see his stinky face!

I hope you all are doing well and that your lives have been more productive than mine! 

I'll leave you with this adorable pic of my silly bugs!

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