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Sunday, February 24, 2013

::DIY:: Moroccan Votive Holders

Hey Y'all! 

This weekend went by WAY too fast.... But it's been pretty awesome! 

Mattie bought a car!
Mattie and his new Altima!
If you know me at all, you know that I'm super excited to NOT wake up at 5 am to take him to work!

ANYWAYS! Here is today's DIY: Moroccan Votive Holders! As usual, I love it!
So without further adieu:
Paint ($.70- $2 each) and Votive Holders ($1 each) can be purchase at Michaels.
This is a very easy and inexpensive DIY. 
The paints that I chose are translucent with glitter. 
 This is not the time to be a perfectionist. Not only is it {extremely} hard to make it perfect, but the streaks are beautiful when the candle light is shines through.
 Once you paint the inside, flip it over to let the paint drain.
The drying process for this is long. After about 2 hours, I took a hair dryer {on low} to them.
 For the detailing I used a 3D Fabric Paint. 
This is where you do your thing!

You can be as intricate or simple as you please!
They are LOVELY regardless!
I'm so excited to have these in my house!!!
I highly recommend making these! Super cute!

Hope your weekend was as amazing as mine!

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