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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

::The Big O-N-E::

 Hey y'all!

Life has been a whirlwind since we last spoke!

Between Lennon turing ONE, Mattie becoming a civilian again, moving halfway across the country, and going to Ireland & Britain, it's been a little crazy around here!

Speaking of Lemmon turning one... I had way too much fun with her for this! I mean it was her FIRST birthday! 

{ps: this is a little late, considering her birthday was almost 3 months ago}

Here are some of the photos from her MAGICAL day!
Playing with some of her new toys!
She loved her crib full of balloons!
NOT a fan of her cake! She took one taste and gagged! It was HILARIOUS!!
Lemmon's First Birthday Shoot:
We decided to do the photo's ourself at Ocean Beach. She LOVES the beach so we figured it was the best place to do it! I made the flower crown in an easy 2 hours. 
{Really it was easy once I got the hang of it.}
Tip: if your baby girl won't keep her flower crown on, put something on your head to show her it works. At least it worked with Lemmon.
Since we were obviously still in San Diego at this time, we waited to throw her birthday party for when we got back to Oklahoma with our families.

We decided to have it at a cute park in Downtown at 10 AM. Since we weren't able to have it until the middle of June, this time was crucial for the Oklahoma summer HEAT! It wasn't too big {just 35 of Lemmon's closest family} and didn't require much food.

My main tip of planning a first birthday party: Designate a family member to take photos.
I was lucky that my sister and other members took a few photos, but I was running around like a mad woman. I didn't take a single photo! This is very strange, if you know me!
Small snacks were perfect for our morning!
Photo Fans were a big hit with the ladies! Sunscreen & Bug Spray were great to have on hand for an outside party!
"Lemmon-ade", Ice Tea & bottles of water covered our thirsty pallets!
Smash Cake on the custom painted {by Mattie and Jams} wooden high chair!
She definitely enjoyed the Lemmon Poppyseed Cake with Vanilla Bean Buttercream from Antoinette Baking Co.
After the cake, Lemmon cooled off in Guthrie Green's Splash Pad!
{A water baby after my own heart}

This was a fun day! The sugar crash might have been the highlight!
The struggle is REAL!

Let me know your PARTY tips! Never to early to start planning of next year!

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