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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

::Care Packages::

Hey y'all!

I need your help!

You may have heard that a couple of months ago the big "D" word happend: Deployment!
Yuck! I know, but thankfully with technology, Mattie & I get to iMessage daily and occasionally FaceTime {much better than waiting weeks or months for a letter that to hear from your love}.
It is especially nice for Lennon to hear his voice! It always makes me happy to see her smile at him.

One thing about deployment that I have enjoyed is making Care Packages.
I have sent Mattie 2 since he has been gone, although he has only received one so far.

I recently asked him if there were any guys that have not received any care packs and sadly he said there were quite a few! Seeing how happy he was to get the first one, I have decided to take it upon myself to send some to the Marines who have not gotten one.

This is where you come in!
 Visit my GoFundMe
Visit my GoFundMe help send a care package!
Care package are kind of expensive to fill and send {approximately $100 per pack}, but with your help, we can boost their morale! I have set up a GoFundMe to raise $500 to send 5 care packages over. 100% of the money will go toward filling and sending these packages. 

You may ask, what are some of the things that your money will be going towards?
Here are a few of the requested items:
-Stationary & Pens
-Handwarmers, Handwarmers, HANDWARMERS
-Cough drops
-Drink additives 
{Mio, Gatorade Powder, etc}
{Sunflower Seeds, Nuts, etc}
And much, much more!

Postage is only $15.90 per box

I hope you will help send a little bit of home to these Marines while they are over seas!

Here are a few photos of the Care Package that Mattie has received! 
I was so happy that he got it  before his birthday!

They are as much fun to make as they are to be opened!

Happy Tuesday!

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