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Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Hey y'all!

I know it's been a few, but I have good reason! Mattie and I finally went on our first vacation together... After almost 4 years! 

Not only was it our first vacation together, it was Lemmon's first vacation! She is only 3 months old and has been to 2 oceans, Comic Con and flown across the country!  
{This girl has the life!}

Such a good traveler!
So where did we go? 
Corolla, North Carolina!
For those of you who don't know Corolla is a part of the Outer Banks {OBX}. If you don't know the OBX... You need to!

Anyways, my family has been having family reunions there forever. 

That is the SurFadAck'14 crew! This year it was 4 generations wide! 

Our week consisted of amazing food, tons of beach time, painting bird houses and of course, Oh Hell!

Here are some of the highlights from our trip!

Lennon picking up her Aunt Sissie & Uncle Bobbles
Love their matching swimsuits!
Just a friendly {cut throat} game of Oh Hell!
She seemed to like her tootsies in the sand!
Matt learned he likes raw oysters but LOVES fried ones!
Memorial for Uncle Tommy {the coolest dude that ever lived!}
As you can tell, we had a blast!

Happy Wednesday Y'all!

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