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Thursday, February 28, 2013

::Busy Bee & a Little TBT::

Hey Y'all!

As you can tell, I've been a busy little bee! I have been revamping my blog to be more user friendly.

You can now visit my etsy shop!

 I am super excited to start selling my little creations!
{Bear with me while I get it all 100% polished}

You can also visit the new Facebook page!
 It'll keep you updated with new posts & products, as well as the GIVEAWAYS that will be going on!

If you're a Pinterest fan, you can follow me there also!
I post everything from fashion to home decor to yummy food & much, much more!
Not to brag, but I have pretty fab taste!

If you look at the top of the page, you will notice the new Nav Bar. You can reach all of these pages with simply the click of your mouse!

Since this is Thursday, I have to add a few TBTs!
Here are some of Mattie!
He still gets that look on his face 
Started young
I love these pictures!

I hope you love the new look of Slightly Brilliant as much as I do!
Don't forget to like/share my Facebook page, Etsy shop and Pinterest!!
Happy Friday Eve!

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