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Monday, February 11, 2013

::Not so Manic Monday:: Weekend in Review

Hey Y'all!

I hope everyone had as amazing of a weekend as we did! Here is a quick review of our weekend!
 Friday Night
Windy/Stormy Friday Night!!! There was THUNDER!!! I love thunder!
While watching Chicago Fire, Penny Pies became very concerned for the characters!
Saturday Breakfast with Holmes, Aunt Schmay, Julie & Mattie
Aunt Schmay, Julie, Holmes, yours truly & Mattie
Mattie & I at Studio Diner
Studio Diner
I (impulsively) bought a Venus Fly Trap... Her name is Viola!
I am definitely one for extreme sports and this is one of my favorites!
Andrew Short
♥ Ryan Dungey! ♥
Eli Tomac giving Matti his hat!!! (I did that)

Panorama view from our GREAT seats!

Mattie & I waiting in the freezing cold for the races to start!
Starting gates
Mattie & I being silly
Eli Tomac winning the 250SX
Davi Milsaps winning the 450SX (Dungey came in 3rd.. Better than Vilapoto!)
After being in Sunny SoCal for 6 Weeks, Sunday morning, my Holmes/Mama-Pajama/Jams left to go back to Oklahoma :(
You better come back soon Lady!
Later Sunday night, we drowned our sorrows with a FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC time at Melisssss' Housewarming/Birthday party!
British Rob, Melissss, Jason, Ems, yours truly, & Mattie
Ems, Melissss & I... Love these girls!
Melisssss demonstrating how to hold 3 lanterns to signal that the British are coming by air!
To finish off such an AMAZING weekend, snuggles with my Rooney P. Tooney
Or Tooney Rooners as I called him last night!

I hope you have an awesome week! Remember this is a "Not so manic Monday"!
Don't stress!

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