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Monday, February 25, 2013

::Mama Monday::

Hey Y'all!

Today is my GORGEOUS Mama's birthday! She is an amazing artist and the strongest person I know! She has always encouraged my sister and I to follow our dreams! She is a true inspiration! 

Here are a few photos to celebrate her bomb-dot-com-ness!

Holmes holding the present I sent her today! 
At Lil' Piggies before she went back to T-Town
Oh Holmes! 
At the Artist's Loft doing her thang!
She is definitely the reason my sister and I are so AWESOME!
Love them!
In T-town
You'll laugh when you see her photobomb!!! 
This is my family and I am proud!
Happy Birthday Holmes!!! I love you and miss you!
Come back to SoCal soon!

Hope you all had a wonderful Tuesday Eve! 

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