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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

::Care Packages::

Hey y'all!

I need your help!

You may have heard that a couple of months ago the big "D" word happend: Deployment!
Yuck! I know, but thankfully with technology, Mattie & I get to iMessage daily and occasionally FaceTime {much better than waiting weeks or months for a letter that to hear from your love}.
It is especially nice for Lennon to hear his voice! It always makes me happy to see her smile at him.

One thing about deployment that I have enjoyed is making Care Packages.
I have sent Mattie 2 since he has been gone, although he has only received one so far.

I recently asked him if there were any guys that have not received any care packs and sadly he said there were quite a few! Seeing how happy he was to get the first one, I have decided to take it upon myself to send some to the Marines who have not gotten one.

This is where you come in!
 Visit my GoFundMe
Visit my GoFundMe help send a care package!
Care package are kind of expensive to fill and send {approximately $100 per pack}, but with your help, we can boost their morale! I have set up a GoFundMe to raise $500 to send 5 care packages over. 100% of the money will go toward filling and sending these packages. 

You may ask, what are some of the things that your money will be going towards?
Here are a few of the requested items:
-Stationary & Pens
-Handwarmers, Handwarmers, HANDWARMERS
-Cough drops
-Drink additives 
{Mio, Gatorade Powder, etc}
{Sunflower Seeds, Nuts, etc}
And much, much more!

Postage is only $15.90 per box

I hope you will help send a little bit of home to these Marines while they are over seas!

Here are a few photos of the Care Package that Mattie has received! 
I was so happy that he got it  before his birthday!

They are as much fun to make as they are to be opened!

Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Hey y'all!

I know it's been a few, but I have good reason! Mattie and I finally went on our first vacation together... After almost 4 years! 

Not only was it our first vacation together, it was Lemmon's first vacation! She is only 3 months old and has been to 2 oceans, Comic Con and flown across the country!  
{This girl has the life!}

Such a good traveler!
So where did we go? 
Corolla, North Carolina!
For those of you who don't know Corolla is a part of the Outer Banks {OBX}. If you don't know the OBX... You need to!

Anyways, my family has been having family reunions there forever. 

That is the SurFadAck'14 crew! This year it was 4 generations wide! 

Our week consisted of amazing food, tons of beach time, painting bird houses and of course, Oh Hell!

Here are some of the highlights from our trip!

Lennon picking up her Aunt Sissie & Uncle Bobbles
Love their matching swimsuits!
Just a friendly {cut throat} game of Oh Hell!
She seemed to like her tootsies in the sand!
Matt learned he likes raw oysters but LOVES fried ones!
Memorial for Uncle Tommy {the coolest dude that ever lived!}
As you can tell, we had a blast!

Happy Wednesday Y'all!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

::Married to the Military::

Hey Y'all!

Today I realized that I have never done a post about my experience of being married to a Marine.
{Isn't he cute?!?}
The main reason for this is that, until recently, I haven't had a typical "Married to the Military" life. We have been stationed in the same place the whole time Mattie has been in the fleet. He hasn't deployed and other than 6 weeks last year, we haven't been apart. Yes, we were supposed to move to Japan, but plans changed. Honestly, the only  things that have been typical: 
{1} Things constantly change
{2} Mattie works very long hours.
USMC Birthday Ball 2011
Another reason, is that I have never felt as though I am a typical spouse. Before I met Mattie, I always said that I wouldn't date someone in the military. Not because of them {I mean who doesn't love a man in uniform?!?}, but because I didn't think I was strong enough. Long hours, deployments, constantly moving, being away from family, and the list goes on and on. Obviously, that all changed. 
USMC Birthday Ball 2012
When I met Mattie, he was still considering doing a Career in the Marine Corps, but I was head over heels. Over the past couple of years, he has decided to finish his contract, then go to school. Of course I would support him if he wanted to reenlist, but between us, I am slightly relieved.  I have a ton of admiration for anyone who goes into the military and even more for the spouses who have been there beside them for more than one enlistment. I think it takes an extremely strong and special kind of person to be a military spouse.
By special, I mean not controlling {Surprise! I'm a bit of a control freak}. It used to drives me nuts when Mattie has to work super late or is told "No" about vacations and usually without him knowing a solid reason. Just ask my mom, if I was told "No", I wanted to know why? FYI: You don't ask "Why?" in the Marine Corps. I don't think it was until Lennon was born, that I finally was able relinquished control and started accepting what they throw at us.
Mattie packing for a Corporal's "getaway"!
So what did they throw at us? Deployment
We thought since he had less than a year left on his contract, it wasn't going to happen. Well, it is, but I have a sense of calm about it. It's not for too terribly long, considered non-combative and there will hopefully be internet where he is. 
{Now I can't say when and I can't say where... So don't ask!}
Anyways, I'm starting to feel a bit more typical. You might want to check back after he actually leaves to see if this new found strength and understanding is still fully intact. 
USMC Birthday Ball 2013
One thing is for sure, being married to him outweighs ANY negatives that come along with the military. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

::Lennon Grace::

Hey Y'all!

Today is all about my beautiful Lemmon Cakes!
July 7, 2014
I can't believe it was 10 weeks ago today that she was made her grand entrance into this world! In honor of that crazy day, I am going to tell you her birth story.
{Disclaimer: this is not your typical birth story, but let me assure you, it is a thriller! Also, it's a long story and there are a million pictures... But she is adorable so I know you won't mind!}
34.5 Weeks Pregnant
Let me set the scene:
Our story starts the Friday before Lennon was born.  
About 2:00 am, Matt was in Idaho for training, my mom was visiting and I was awake with horrible chest, upper back pain and nausea. Being the stubborn person I am, I told myself it was food poisoning and refused to go to L&D. My mom convinced me to call my doctor's office when they opened. They instructed me to go to L&D if the pain got worse. Over the next few days I started to feel better, until Tuesday morning. The pain was back! Still being stubborn, I decided to head to work. Hardly able to focus, my coworker told me to call my doctor again. Of course, I was told I should get to L&D immediately!
So they ran some tests, thought I had heartburn {definitely not heartburn!}, then told me I should be able to go home soon. As we were waiting to be released, a doctor came in to inform me that I was being admitted. Thankfully my mom was with me and hadn't left town!
They determined I had developed either HELLP Syndrome or TTP, but they weren't sure which one it was. They did know that my liver enzymes were high and platelet count was severely low. In BLONDE language this meant my liver was attacking my platelets, platelets make your blood clot, low platelets = inability for blood to clot.
So I'm admitted, clearly sick, Matt is still in Idaho, and the doc is telling me that I will leaving the hospital with a baby! Did I mention she wasn't due for another 5 weeks? 
Anyways, the next 48 hours were a blur for me! 
They started me on Magnesium {FYI: it makes you feel like a zombie on fire... Not joking!}, and tried to induce me. After about 18 hours of attempted induction, I had not progressed past 4cm. They informed me that if I didn't progress any more by noon, they would need to do a C-Section. Even in my "Zombie on Fire" state, I was not happy. I always wanted to have as natural of a birth as possible {No meds: mind over pain}. Plus, I was rocking my contractions! Honestly, I've had worse cramps.
Matt finally arrived at 11:00 am Wednesday morning to find me well taken care of by my mom, my sister Emily and my 3 amazing nurses! He also arrived just in time for the scary part. Almost immediately, a team of doctors came in to tell us the "worst case scenarios". About 45 minutes later gave me a platelet transfusion and prepped me for my c-section. 
Unfortunately, due to my low platelets they could not give me an epidural and would have to put me under general anesthesia. This meant I was out and Matt wouldn't be able to be in the OR when Lennon was born. Also, there was nothing blocking the pain when they woke me up from surgery. OUCH!
Finally the moment you've been waiting for: 
The Birth of Lennon Grace!
As I took my final prego gurney ride to the OR, I have to admit, I was scared out of my mind. I tried not to show it but I'm sure there was panic on my face when I heard the anesthesiologist say,
"We haven't put her under, please don't cut yet."
What?!? Yeah. Terrifying!
Well, good news, the surgeons listened! I went under and 17 seconds later, our beautiful baby girl was born!
{They had to get Lennon out as fast as possible to ensure the general anesthesia did not reach her.}
12:59pm on April 30, 2014
5lbs 11oz  - 19.3in
May 1,2014
So now our precious is girl here. Due to Lennon being 5 weeks pre-mature, she was taken to the NICU. Remember the magnesium I was on for 22 hours? Well that meant Lenny Cakes was "mini zombie on fire" {poor baby girl}. Because of the mag, she wasn't able to breath well and had to be on C-PAP machine. She also developed jaundice, as most babies born at 35 weeks do.
May 1, 2014
May 1, 2014
Since I was still sick, I had to be on mag for another 24 hours. This meant I wasn't able to see Lennon for 27.5 hours after she was born and Mattie was super busy running back and forth between my room and the NICU. It's safe to say I cried when I saw her for the first time! 
 When we rolled down to the NICU on May 3, we were ecstatic to see that she was no longer hooked up to any breathing machines.
May 3, 2014
May 6, 2014
May 6, 2014
I was discharged on May 4th, but luckily we live only 15 minutes from the hospital. We would go up every morning and spend the day with our baby girl. 
May 8, 2014
On May 5th, just after midnight, Lennon had a Brady-Cardia Apnea event. Once again in Blonde language, she stopped breathing while sleeping and her heart slowed. This added 5 more days to her time in the NICU, but our hospital had an amazing staff!
May 10, 2014
Those 5 days happened to be the most nerve racking! Lennon would be able to go home on May 10th, as long as she had no more events!
When we came in on the morning of May 9th, the Corpsman informed us that the night nurse had recorded an event while feeding Lennon. Enter "instant panic" stage left! We were releived to find out the doctors decided not to consider it event. She was discharged the next day!
NICU life was a little rough on us, but we were so blessed she was only in there for 10 days. 
Going home!
May 10, 2014
So here are a few of my favorite pics of Lemmon Cakes from the past 10 weeks!
Lennon's first night in her crib!
May 10, 2014
May 10, 2014
Mattie Reading to his baby girl!
May 12, 2014
May 13, 2014
May 13, 2014
May 15, 2014
May 17, 2014
May 19, 2014
May 20, 2014
May 25, 2014
May 26, 2014
Lennon's Birth Announcement
May 30, 2014
One Month Old,
May 30, 2014
June 3, 2014
June 3, 2014
June 6, 2014
June 7, 2014
June 11, 2014
June 17, 2014

June 27, 2014

Two Months Old
June 30, 2014
Lennon helping with her Papa's game!
July 1, 2014
July 6, 2014
We have been so blessed with a happy & healthy baby! 

Happy Wednesday!