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Monday, March 25, 2013

::Monday Monday::

Hey y'all! 

Once again, I'm sorry for being so absent!
As you know, Mattie left last week to Yuma & as the "disgusting" {as Kels calls us} couple we are, we both were missing each other!
I went to visit him {yes after only 5 days} & we had a blast!
Dinner date!
Hey Handsome!
Making faces at each other to see who laughed first... I lost!
Saying "Bye Bye" to my love {feel a lot like when we were dating}.
Okay! Okay! This song is about a break up...
But its so sweet and reminds me of Mattie!
You should really give it a listen!

-Sunday Fun-day-
Penny loves to play!
Rooney enjoying the sunset
Penny decide that we both needed snuggles! I loved it!
-A bit Under the Weather-
This morning Rooney was a bit under the weather.
Poor baby Toons!
I am happy to report he is feeling better!
I hope your weekend was a fabulous as mine!  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

::WOW Wednesday::

Hey y'all!

Great News!
I am officially a HANDBAG DESIGNER!
Well as of April 8, 2013 I will be!
 Only took 3 years but I am finally going to be putting my degree to good use.

This quote is definitely something that I had to keep telling myself through the process of finding this job.
If you know me at all, you know I have a tendency to stress{yes me}. So I finally started living by 
"Everything works out exactly the way it's supposed to"
{I stress a lot less}.

 I am so excited for this job, but sad to be leaving my peeps at my current job.
Don't worry loves:

Also don't take this the wrong way but:

I finally did it! So happy!!!!

 I hope you loved all of these GIFs!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

::Travel Tuesday:: West I-40 Fun

Hey y'all.

Mattie left for Yuma today :( but hopefully I will get to visit him!
This will be the fastest 6 weeks EVER! Well it better be! I miss this guy already!

Alrighty! Let's get to it!
I have made the journey from Oklahoma to SoCal many times! We usually do it in one shot but there is plenty to see along the way! Some that I have stopped to explore and some that in the future is a MUST!

Here is my Must See/Do list for the West I-40!
-Have a travel buddy-
Had to add this! He's too cute!
-Stop in towns along old Route 66 & take in the old motel signs-
Santa Rosa, New Mexico
-Check out the beautiful scenery-
Sunrise in Grant, New Mexico
Somewhere in New Mexico
-Go to the Painted Desert & Petrified Forest-
Painted Desert, Arizona
Painted Desert, Arizona
Painted Desert Arizona
Painted Desert, Arizona
Petrified Logs in the Petrified Forest, Arizona
 -Hook a right at Kingman & head to the Hoover Dam-
Looking down the dam. Hoover Dam, Nevada
-After Hoover Dam head on over to Las Vegas-
Classic sign picture, Las Vegas, Nevada

A few that I haven't ventured to but will very soon are:
-Grand Canyon, Arizona-
Grand Canyon, Arizona
 -Mile Wide Crater, Arizona-
Mile Wide Crater, Arizona
I hope next time you decide to venture across the country along I-40 you check out some of these hot spots!

Monday, March 18, 2013

::Monday {no} Fun Day::

Hey y'all!

After such an AMAZING three day weekend, it is rough to go back to work.
Also, Mattie is leaving tomorrow for 6 weeks {boo hoo}. 

Of course the only way to make this Monday better is to make it a FUN day!
If you didn't know, Mattie & I took Friday off work {& LOVED it}. 
Here is what we did!
 Turned Rooney into a butterfly!
Went shopping and fell asleep!
Ran around like MANIACS at the bark park!
Embraced our inner Irish {well my inner Irish}!
Danced our butts off!

Guess what!?!?! ALL of Slightly Brilliant's pages are up and running! 
Here is what you will see:
New features:
 Follow me by email! Enter your email to receive updates to know when a new post has been added!
As I mentioned before, all of the pages are up.

Day dreaming about traveling or want ideas?!?
Click on the "Travel" tab for a quick and easy way to find my Go-To's and Must-See's!

Do you recall something you saw on Fashion Friday?!?
Now you can click on the "Fashion" tab, and you will be redirected to a list of ALL the Fashion Friday posts.

Feeling creative?!?
Harness your creative energy with my DIY page. Find all of my amazing DIY's on one page! 
{Dream come true!}


Don't forget to 'Like' the Facebook page and to share it! When it reaches 200 'Likes' I will {randomly} choose a winner and they will receive any item of their choice from my Etsy Shop!

I hope your Monday has been a Fun Day!