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Friday, February 8, 2013

::Fashion Friday:: My Views on Casual

Hey Y'all!

Now I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert on anything (except procrastination and making awkward situations even more awkward) but I do think I have a good clue of what looks fab. Do I always apply that "good clue" to my own style? Probably not! But I try.

If you know me at all, you probably know I love to be COMFY! Jeans are my best friend (sorry Kelsie and Caitlin)! I have a few ton of t-shirts. (I did recently discover yoga pants... I now live in them at home!) 99.43% of the time I do like to look presentable in public, but comfort is key! 

Before you totally discredit my sense of style, here are some of my awesome/not-so-awesome observations!

It seems today that you see 3 types of Casual: 
  1. Super cute, dress up casual items with dressier items.
Ex 1: Dress up shorts with heels and sweater
Ex 2: Dress up shorts with FAB blazer (IN LOVE) and necklace

Ex. 3: Unbelievably cute elbow patch sweater with shorts

2.   Super comfy, yet awful to wear in public. Honestly it happens way too often (especially amongst celebrities and  on college campuses)
Ex 1: The "I'm too lazy to put on real pants" or "I'm running late and blindly grabbed what was next to my bed"
Ex 2: Yes, Hillary Duff, you should be ashamed!
3.    The in-between a mix of comfy, without compromising cute.
Ex 1: Jeans, Cardi, Tee, and boots (LOVE)
Ex. 2: AMAZING jeans and a grey v-neck
Ex. 3: pants, sweater, and scarf
In this wide variety of casual, I like to fancy myself an "in-betweener". Jeans, a tee, boots and a party cardi? YES please! 
Here are some examples of my casual style... (Judge if you must!)
Ex 1: Rocking my Boots that Mattie picked out all by himself
Ex. 2: Representing my boys
Ex. 3: Mattie being cute and making fun of me as usual!
Ex 4: Rooney is still learning how to be casual!
Ex 5: Oh Tooners, still too fancy!

 I hope you enjoyed the first ::Fashion Friday:: 
Don't worry, I won't be one of those 
"Look at my outfit every single dang day even if it really isn't that cute or makes you wonder 'what was she thinking?'!!!" 
kind of girls! You'd probably get bored!

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