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Thursday, February 7, 2013

::Generic Starter Post Name Here::

Hey Y'all!

So I finally gave in... I started a blog (as you can tell). I am still working on the aesthetics of  it all and right now I'm a complete amateur! Just bear with me!


Hello! I'm Ashley. I'm a super sassy, goofy, dog loving, California living, married to the Marine Corps, big town Oklahoma girl.
My hobbies include: Designing FABULOUS clothing,  enjoying lazy days and sunny rays, and "trying" to keep a lid on my sarcasm.
Meet my amazingly goofy husband Mattie
Mattie's hobbies include: sleeping, doing manly stuff,  getting pedis, eating Ramen noodles and loving on puppies. 
Meet my sweet little snuggle bug, Rooney
Rooney's hobbies include: snuggling, laying in the sun, being the boss and eating.
Meet my silly Penny Marie
Penny's hobbies include: sitting like a human while watching TV,  running with her mama  and swimming in the ocean.
This blog is an in depth,  super interesting, extremely sassy look into what runs through this little, blonde head of mine! 

I hope you enjoy! 

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