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Thursday, February 21, 2013


Hey Y'all!

HOORAY! It's Thursday!

Today's TBT is all about me and my SEESTOR! Her name is Allison, but ever since I can remember, I have called her Sissie {and will probably always call her that}.
We may look like angels {honestly, we were} but I definitely loved to bug her!
My sister holding me right after I was born
Christmas photo
Blake & Barrett {cousins}, my sister {holding a sweet little kitty} & my crazy self!

It's Christmas time again!
Oahu, Hawaii - July 2006
"Make a funny face!" - Gets her every time! Oahu, Hawaii - July 2006
Dancing {and singing} like fools! I believe it was to "my humps"!
Saint Patty's Day - Tulsa, Oklahoma - March 2008

Brady Tavern - Tulsa, Oklahoma - February 2011
Drillers Baseball - ONEOK Field - Tulsa, Oklahoma - September 2011
At my wedding with my beautiful Sissie and Holmes! Coronado Island, California - October 2011
The Artist's Loft - Tulsa, Oklahoma - April 2012
Saving Bubby the Seagull - Tybee Island, Georgia - July 2012
Biking with Aunt Schmay, Holmes and my Sissie - Tybee Island, Georgia - July 2011
I LOVE my seeeestor! 
Maybe she will come visit me in SoCal and we can take EVEN MORE pictures!
{Hint. Hint.}
Hope you have a happy Thursday!

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