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Monday, February 18, 2013

::Sounds Like Somebody's got a Case of the Monday's::

Hey Y'all!

After procrastinating about today's topic ALL day, I have decided to talk about 5 of my
Current Obsessions!

Purchase ANYTHING for your furry ones!
 This is one of my favorite sites right now {of course it's all for my puppies}!!! They have almost anything you could possibly need for your 4 legged family members! The best part is that they have FREE next day shipping if you spend $50 {which is way too easy to do}. The prices are so much more affordable than the specialty pet stores and the products are the same quality. I will admit, I browse the sight at least once a week. Fret not... If you purchase something that is not what you expected or doesn't fit your furry friend, has the easiest FREE return system. You just call, they will email you a return label, drop it off at UPS and done.
It's not only but you can reach all of their affiliates with just the click of a button! I know my bestie Caitlin loves to use which is EVERYTHING baby!
You should really check it out!

2} Imagine Dragons
Buy their album Night Visions here
or to just listen click here!
Every time I run, I listen to their album Night Visions... I mean EVERY TIME! It doesn't get old. My favorite song of their's is "Radioactive", with "Demons" and "It's Time" tied for second. I will admit, I didn't follow them from their start. I {much like everyone else} had no clue who they were until "It's Time" played on the radio and fell in LOVE.
 I cannot wait until March when they are playing in SoCal! Especially, since Mattie and Melisss are going with me!

3} Military Boots
Cathy Jean Military Boot
Since I'm married to a Marine, when I say "boot" or "military boot", Mattie thinks I'm talking about fresh-out-of-bootcamp-baby-Marines or overly-motivated-high-and-tight-Marines. 
Hence the strange look I received when telling him about the name of this product {although baby Marines are precious}. This past weekend Mattie bought me this pair {in brown with pink plaid} for Valentine's Day
I love that I can wear them laced all the way up or folded over exposing the plaid. They can go with a variety of outfits and styles, ANYONE can pull them off!  

4} Author: Sophia Kinsella
Read! Read! Read!
I have read ALL of Sophia Kinsella's books {that are sold in the US}. I am currently reading Mini Shopaholic! It is the last in the Shopaholic series and I'm loving it. What I love most about her books is that they are a very fun and easy read. They are pretty relatable {except I don't have 5 maxed out credit cards!} and have many twists and turns. The main character is ALWAYS getting into jams where you have no clue how she is going to get out! Also, she get's pretty in depth about fashion, which we all know I love!
Yeah, yeah, yeah... You were probably thinking I was reading some smartypants book, but then again, I just used the word "smartypants".

5} Kels
Check out more of Kels' FABULOUS designs!
Ever since our days as Cowboys, Kels and I have been known to be "obsessed" with each other.
I don't blame us... We're pretty awesome!
 She is an AMAZING designer, {I mean look at her costume! She's the best!} and the most driven person I know. She is genuinely nice to everyone she meets and never passes judgement. Though she is a ginger, she has allowed me to keep my soul. She recently accepted a job and is moving even further from me {of course, I know we will stay just as close}. I hope you all are as fortunate to have your own Kels, but if you don't, you can't have mine! SORRY!

I hope your Monday was a little more productive than mine!
Let me know about your current obsessions!

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